ProjectSAM - Symphobia 3: Lumina

Featuring full orchestra, choir, smaller ensembles and a wide range of guest instruments, Symphobia 3: Lumina dives into the world of fantas...

ProjectSAM - Symphobia 3: Lumina
Featuring full orchestra, choir, smaller ensembles and a wide range of guest instruments, Symphobia 3: Lumina dives into the world of fantasy, mystery and animation, adding depth and delicacy to your musical palette. Based on more recordings than ever before, this third volume in the Symphobia series is ProjectSAM’s most ambitious release yet.

ProjectSAM is well-known for its ensemble recording concept, and Lumina trumps this with even finer arrangements. The warmth and beauty of orchestra and choir performing together has been captured in stunning, playable ensembles. Moreover, Lumina is packed with superbly orchestrated textures covering the full spectrum of fantasy and mystery. Refined with grand piano, harp and percussion, these recordings are truly luminous.
Lumina's solo and guest instruments range from legato woodwinds, such as oboe and clarinet, to a beautifully sampled celtic harp, tin whistle and... a full bell tower! The library also pays homage to the playful world of cartoons with dedicated ensembles and phrases for careful tiptoeing and tongue-in-cheek suspense. Of course you will find ProjectSAM's popular Dystopia section, too, with all-new sound design based on the library's samples.

Lumina is a journey of inspiration... as for each note you play, three more will spring to mind.

Multis are a much cherished feature of the Symphobia series. Symphobia 3: Lumina builds on this concept by combining ensembles and instruments into thematic ‘Stories’.

Using clever keyboard mapping and controller assignments, Stories give you numerous musical features on one keyboard − all within a single Kontakt track. In this way, the library's ensembles, solo instruments and textures all take part in a bigger Story.

Elements within a Story can be individually purged from RAM, or instantly muted using assigned mute keys. Also, the Elements tab allows you to tweak each element separately.

Stories are great sources of inspiration, and useful starting points for a new track or arrangement. Because of the many different musical elements and well-thoughout controllers, they work great for live situations too, such as a theater show or songwriter performance.

Section splits for textures
We booked new recording sessions to record individual sections for the library’s textures, worth 7 GB* of new samples. In SYMPHOBIA 3: LUMINA 1.1, the majority of orchestral textures now offer the ability to perform the following sections individually: strings, choir, woodwinds, piano/harp/percussion. The exact sections available differ per texture instrument.

Key features
  • Aimed at fantasy, mystery & animation
  • Designed for film, TV & video game scoring
  • Inspiring "Stories" combo instruments
  • Ensemble recordings (featuring full orchestra & choir)
  • Chamber ensembles (including solo strings & soprano choir)
  • Legato instruments (including soprano voice)
  • Guest instruments (including celtic harp & double bass)
  • Genuine concert hall recordings
  • Real-time mixing of direct, ambient & wide mics
  • Split sections for selected texturesAnd much more...

Title: Symphobia 3: Lumina
Developer: ProjectSAM
License: ShareWare
Language: English
OS: Windows / Mac
ProjectSAM - Symphobia 3: Lumina ProjectSAM - Symphobia 3: Lumina
ProjectSAM - Symphobia 3: Lumina Alternative Links - Google Drive



AAX Plugins,86,Ableton Project,8,Activators,3,Addictive Trigger Library,1,Anti Virus,9,AU Plugins,22,Audio & Video Player,7,Audio Library,70,Audio Samples,29,Audio Tools,198,CD/DVD Tools,12,Converter,16,DAW,13,Desktop Enhancements,5,Downloader,10,Drivers,1,DRT Library,1,Drumagog Library,1,DXi Plugins,2,E-Book,1,File Tools,31,FL Studio Project,6,Graphic design,61,HDD Tools,8,Internet,35,Kontakt Library,70,Linux,2,Logic Project,4,Mac,35,Office Tools,30,Operating System,4,Others,6,Photoshop Plugins,2,Portable Software,13,Presets,7,Programming,1,Project File,10,RTAS Plugins,29,Screen Capture,9,Screen Recorder,7,Security Tools,16,Serum Presets,5,Software,371,Spire Presets,1,Sylenth1 Presets,1,System Tools,53,Tutorial,5,Video,4,Video Tools,26,VST Plugins,63,VST3 Plugins,48,VSTi Plugins,56,Web Designer,2,Windows,370,
Bagong Download: ProjectSAM - Symphobia 3: Lumina
ProjectSAM - Symphobia 3: Lumina
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